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How to Host or Make a Dedicated Rust Server in 2021

An enthusiastic gamer, such as yourself, must have realized how expensive it is to host other players in your game. Does this hamper your gaming experience? If so, then don’t worry! With a few simple steps, I will illustrate the process of setting up and installing your VERY OWN dedicated rust server.

There are 5 standard steps to installing your own dedicated rust server as follows:

  1. Install SteamCMD software
  2. Install your dedicated rust server
  3. Forward ports
  4. Initiate the rust server
  5. Join the server

What you may not be aware of is the fact that the procedure for setting up your own rust server varies based on the type of operating system you are working with.

The procedures for setting up your rust server on Windows and Linux are entirely different. But again, not to worry! I will walk you through the procedures for both operating systems.

How to Make a Rust Server on Windows

How to Install and Use SteamCMD | Daniel Gibbs

Time needed: 25 minutes.

For those gamers with Windows operating systems, this is for you. There are 5 key steps that we will be delving into to set up the server:

  1. Install SteamCMD software

    Firstly, you must download the SteamCMD software for the Windows operating system by clicking on this link. You will download the ‘steamcmd_windows.zip’ file.

    Now, you will unzip the ‘steamcmd_windows.zip’ file to begin the installation process.
    Once you open the unzipped ‘steamcmd_windows’, you will come across a file titled ‘steamcmd’.

    Click on that file and it will lead you to a windows command prompt.

    The last line of the prompt must show the “steam>” prompt. This indicates the successful installation of the steamcmd software
    You will create a new ‘steamcmd’ folder on your desktop and drag the ‘steamcmd.exe’ file into the new folder.

  2. Install your dedicated rust server

    We will head over to the description and find a link for our server files. We will paste this link into the search box. By clicking on it, we will automatically download our rust server setup.

    We will open this folder, go into ‘inside steamcmd’ and drag its batch file into the new steamcmd folder you previously created in step 1.

    Now, run the batch file. It will show an install directory. You will rewrite it to the destination folder or location of the folder of your choice where you’d like to install your server. Make sure you type the correct location.

    Now you are ready to run the batch file. In a few moments, you will have a new rust server folder set up on your system.

    You often get choices between install and update. If an update is available then run the batch file again and it will automatically update your server with the latest version.

    Drag the batch file of the rust server zip folder into the destination folder of your choosing. You will edit this batch file’s parameters– like the port, level of seed, maximum players, and hostname – with the appropriate information.

    Close this file and run it again to install your server. This may take some time, so you’ll have to be patient.

  3. Forward ports

    You will be forwarding ports to ensure that your server is visible in the game selection so that other players may be able to join.

    You must open the cmd file which will open the windows command prompt. You will type in “IP configuration” and press enter. That will give you the ‘default gateway’ number which you will copy into the search browser.

    It will open your ‘access router’ and you will type in your respective username and password to log in. You will go into your respective security gaming app tab and fill in the appropriate information for ‘application name’, ‘external port’, ‘internal port’, ‘producer’, ‘device IP’.

    This will enable your port to be forwarded and other gamers to access your server successfully.

  4. Initiate the rust server

    Once your rust server is done initializing, you will be able to join the server. Press the ‘F1’ key on your keyboard. Type “connect localhost:port”. In place of ‘port’, you will type in the port parameter you selected in step 2.

    Press enter to immediately join the server. If you go into the ‘console’ option you can keep an eye on how many gamers are joining you in real-time.

How to Make a Rust Server on Linux

The process of setting up a dedicated rust server on Linux is essentially the same as the process of setting it up on Windows. The main difference in procedures between the two operating systems is the use of ‘shell script’ and the use of ‘batch script’ in Windows.

The above-mentioned steps for Windows must now be performed from the Linux operating system perspective. Once you’ve created your target folder, you will move on to downloading and installing SteamCMD software for Linux. You can use code instructions for downloading SteamCMD illustrated in this link.

Save 33% on Rust on Steam
Credits: Steam

To successfully create your server on Linux, you will have to create a shell script – a command-line interpreter. Your parameters – such as IP address, password, ports, maximum player’s server name, seed, procedural map, and description – will be written in separate command lines.

Each will have to be filled with the appropriate information that will accommodate your requirements as a server.

Once you’ve rewritten the shell script, you need to send the command “chmod u+x shellscriptname” through SSH. If you have followed the steps correctly then your server should appear in the rust server list for gamers to access.

Prerequisite of Setting Rust Server

Now before you start following the above-mentioned steps, you should make sure that you’re prepared for this change. Your operating system and hard drives should be compatible. Otherwise, the installation of your rust server will fail.

2-5 Players50 Players500 Players
Processor3.4 GHz 4.0 GHz4.6 GHz
Storage 40 GB50 GB70 GB
For Windows operating system
2-5 Players50 Players500 Players
Processor3.4 GHz 4.0 GHz4.6 GHz
Storage 10 GB20 GB40 GB
For Linux operating system

Rust Local Server

The Rust local server allows you to play the game with local players in your area. This is at a smaller and more manageable scale.

If you wish to learn how to set up your local rust server then you must follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Download the following zipped file by clicking this link
  2. Next, head to the rust site on face punch evade. Go to the ‘support’ tab and click FAQ
  3. Download the ‘quick start zip’ using the link provided
  4. Unzip the file
  5. Drag the server folder to the desktop
  6. Open server folder and click on file named ‘Run-D’ to edit parameters
  7. Save the edits and run the file
  8. Copy your steam ID and paste it into the server
  9. Type the right CFG in order to save the previous settings

If you have followed these 9 steps correctly then you will be able to successfully install and set up your rust local server.

Hosting your Own Rust Server vs. Renting a Rust Server

Now you may ask yourself ‘wouldn’t it be easier to rent a Rust server instead of making one?’ and that is a completely justifiable query. Let’s run down a list of pros and cons for each to help answer your question.

Invite other players to your gameLarge processing capacity required
Charge other players as customersNo support team
Maximum control over maps and game
Pros and Cons of Making your Own Rust Dedicated Server:
Freedom to play your own gameExpensive
No large processing capacity requiredLimited control options
Server issues are corrected by the host
Pros and Cons of Renting a Rust Server:

So with making your own server, you not only save on money, but you can also charge other gamers to earn some extra cash yourself. But gamers with some know-how of computers and steamcmd will be able to reap the benefits of making their own server.

With renting a rust server you will not have to pay a lump sum initially, like in the case of making your own server. but you will have to make monthly payments which can be costly in the long run.

There is no earning potential with renting a server like there is with making your own server. This might be a harder pill to swallow for gamers on a budget.

In my opinion, it would be better if you opted for making your own server. With the help of the simplified steps illustrated above, you can easily set up your own server all while saving some money and even earning a few bucks.


  • Can you have a private rust server?

Dedicated gamers will want to exploit every advantage of the gaming experience, including inviting friends into games. And this is quite possible. The only catch is that you, as the host, must be well versed in computers to establish your own server.

  • Does it cost money to make a rust server?

Rust servers are not particularly expensive to make. If you do not have the appropriate RAM, processor, and storage device then you will have to bear the initial cost of setting up your server. After that, there are no outstanding costs. You could even make money by charging your players.

  • Can you create your own server on rust console?

You can absolutely create your own server. There are 4 key steps for you to make your own rust console at home:

  1. Download the server software
  2. Install and set up the server
  3. Log into the server
  4. Run the server

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